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  1.  72
    Sharing the Earth: A Biocentric Account of Ecological Justice.Anna Https://Orcidorg Wienhues - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (3):367-385.
    Although ethical and justice arguments operate in two distinct levels—justice being a more specific concept—they can easily be conflated. A robust justification of ecological justice requires starting at the roots of justice, rather than merely giving, for example, an argument for why certain non-human beings have moral standing of some kind. Thus, I propose that a theory of ecological justice can benefit from a four-step justification for the inclusion of non-human beings into the community of justice, starting with Hume’s circumstances (...)
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    Beyond Intrinsic and Instrumental: Third-Category Value in Environmental Ethics and Environmental Policy.Anna Https://Orcidorg Deplazes-Zemp - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (2):166-188.
    Values have always tended to play a central role in discourse on the environment, a tendency which is currently particularly evident in the biodiversity context. Traditionally, arguments about the environment have invoked instrumental value to highlight the necessity or utility of a healthy environment for people and intrinsic value to emphasize the importance of protecting nature for its own sake. More recently, this value dichotomy has been challenged, and the notion of a third value category – relational value – has (...)
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  3. The Conception of Life in Synthetic Biology.Anna Https://Orcidorg Deplazes-Zemp - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (4):757-774.
    The phrase ‘synthetic biology’ is used to describe a set of different scientific and technological disciplines, which share the objective to design and produce new life forms. This essay addresses the following questions: What conception of life stands behind this ambitious objective? In what relation does this conception of life stand to that of traditional biology and biotechnology? And, could such a conception of life raise ethical concerns? Three different observations that provide useful indications for the conception of life in (...)
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    Commutative Justice and Access and Benefit Sharing for Genetic Resources.Anna Https://Orcidorg Deplazes-Zemp - 2018 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 21 (1):110-126.
    The Convention on Biological Diversity and its Nagoya Protocol established an Access and Benefit Sharing system between utilizers and providers of genetic resources. ABS is understood as a tool that should promote commutative justice between the involved parties. This essay discusses what exactly it is that is being exchanged in the ABS process. It critically analyses moral claims to compensation that are implied by the ABS system for genetic resources. It argues that with the exception of cases in which traditional (...)
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    A global biodiversity fund to implement distributive justice for genetic resources.Anna Https://Orcidorg Deplazes-Zemp - 2019 - Developing World Bioethics 19 (4):235-244.
    This article examines the question of who has a right to control and benefit from genetic resources globally. To this end it draws on different accounts in the resource rights literature with a focus on the specific features that distinguish genetic resources from other types of natural resources. It will be argued that due to the intangible and non‐territorial nature of genetic resources, territorial rights over these resources are difficult to maintain. Moreover, the vulnerability of genetic resources implies that much (...)
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    The Nagoya Protocol could backfire on the Global South.Anna Https://Orcidorg Deplazes-Zemp, Samuel Abiven, Peter Https://Orcidorg629X Schaber, Michael Https://Orcidorg Schaepman, Gabriela Schaepman-Strub, Bernhard Https://Orcidorg Schmid, Kentaro K. Https://Orcidorg Shimizu & Florian Altermatt - 2018 - .
    Regulations designed to prevent global inequalities in the use of genetic resources apply to both commercial and non-commercial research. Conflating the two may have unintended consequences for collaboration between the Global North and biodiverse countries in the Global South, which may promote global injustice rather than mitigate it.
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    Of Newtons and heretics.A. Ganguli-Mitra, M. Schmidt, H. Torgersen, Anna Https://Orcidorg Deplazes & N. Https://Orcidorg Biller-Andorno - 2009 - .
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    A priority paper for the societal and ethical aspects of synthetic biology.M. Schmidt, A. Ganguli-Mitra, H. Torgersen, A. Kelle, Anna Https://Orcidorg Deplazes & N. Https://Orcidorg Biller-Andorno - 2009 - .
    As synthetic biology develops into a promising science and engineering field, we need to have clear ideas and priorities regarding its safety, security, ethical and public dialogue implications. Based on an extensive literature search, interviews with scientists, social scientists, a 4 week long public e-forum, and consultation with several stakeholders from science, industry and civil society organisations, we compiled a list of priority topics regarding societal issues of synthetic biology for the years ahead. The points presented here are intended to (...)
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    Synbiosafe e-conference:online community discussion on the societal aspects of synthetic biology.M. Schmidt, H. Torgersen, A. Ganguli-Mitra, A. Kelle, Anna Https://Orcidorg Deplazes & N. Https://Orcidorg Biller-Andorno - 2008 - .
    As part of the SYNBIOSAFE project, we carried out an open electronic conference (e-conference), with the aim to stimulate an open debate on the societal issues of synthetic biology in a proactive way. The e-conference attracted 124 registered participants from 23 different countries and different professional backgrounds, who wrote 182 contributions in six different categories: (I) Ethics; (II) Safety; (III) Security; (IV) IPR; (V) Governance and regulation; (VI) and Public perception. In this paper we discuss the main arguments brought up (...)
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  10.  15
    The Road to Hell Is Paved with Good Intentions: Why Harm-Benefit Analysis and Its Emphasis on Practical Benefit Jeopardizes the Credibility of Research.Herwig Grimm, Matthias Eggel, Anna Https://Orcidorg Deplazes-Zemp & Nikola Https://Orcidorg Biller-Andorno - 2017 - Animals 70 (7).
    It is our concern that European Union Directive 2010/63/EU with its current project evaluation of animal research in the form of a harm-benefit analysis may lead to an erosion of the credibility of research. The HBA assesses whether the inflicted harm on animals is outweighed by potential prospective benefits. Recent literature on prospective benefit analysis prioritizes "societal benefits" that have a foreseeable, positive impact on humans, animals, or the environment over benefit in the form of knowledge. In this study, we (...)
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  11.  96
    XII*—How Basic are Basic Actions?Julia Annas - 1978 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 78 (1):195-214.
    Julia Annas; XII*—How Basic are Basic Actions?, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 78, Issue 1, 1 June 1978, Pages 195–214,
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  12.  75
    The Source of Actual Terror: The Philippine Macho-Fascist Duterte.Anna Romina Guevarra & Maya Arcilla - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (2):489-494.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 46, no. 2. © 2020 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 489 Anna Romina Guevarra and Maya Arcilla The Source of Actual Terror: The Philippine Macho-Fascist Duterte  What is JUSTICE with the violence you’ve waged  What is FREEDOM? Our people are encaged  What is JUSTICE with the violence you’ve waged?  What is FREEDOM? Our people are encaged  We have nothing to lose—nothing but (...)
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  13.  8
    Fenomen szkoły lwowsko-warszawskiej.Anna Brożek & Alicja Chybińska (eds.) - 2016 - Lublin: Wydawnictwo Academicon.
    Słownik języka polskiego PWN odnotowuje trzy znaczenia słowa „fenomen”: (1) rzadkie, niezwykłe zjawisko; (2) osoba wyjątkowa, niezwykle uzdolniona; (3) fakt empiryczny będący punktem wyjścia badań naukowych. W tytule nie chodzi o „fenomen” w sensie drugim, chociaż do Szkoły Lwowsko-Warszawskiej należało wiele osób wyjątkowych i niezwykle uzdolnionych, do których z powodzeniem można odnosić słowo „fenomen” w tym sensie. Tytułowy zwrot „Fenomen Szkoły Lwowsko-Warszawskiej” sygnalizuje natomiast, z jednej strony, że książka zdaje sprawę z badań naukowych nad pewnym złożonym „faktem empirycznym” – (...)
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  14. Gene Section.Italia Anna Asteriti & Giulia Guarguaglini - forthcoming - Http://Atlasgeneticsoncology. Org.
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    An integrated explicit and implicit offensive language taxonomy.Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Anna Bączkowska, Chaya Liebeskind, Giedre Valunaite Oleskeviciene & Slavko Žitnik - 2023 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 19 (1):7-48.
    The current study represents an integrated model of explicit and implicit offensive language taxonomy. First, it focuses on a definitional revision and enrichment of the explicit offensive language taxonomy by reviewing the collection of available corpora and comparing tagging schemas applied there. The study relies mainly on the categories originally proposed by Zampieri et al. (2019) in terms of offensive language categorization schemata. After the explanation of semantic differences between particular concepts used in the tagging systems and the analysis of (...)
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    AI and mental health: evaluating supervised machine learning models trained on diagnostic classifications.Anna van Oosterzee - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-10.
    Machine learning (ML) has emerged as a promising tool in psychiatry, revolutionising diagnostic processes and patient outcomes. In this paper, I argue that while ML studies show promising initial results, their application in mimicking clinician-based judgements presents inherent limitations (Shatte et al. in Psychol Med 49:1426–1448., 2019). Most models still rely on DSM (the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) categories, known for their heterogeneity and low predictive value. DSM's descriptive nature limits the validity of psychiatric diagnoses, (...)
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  17.  22
    Alcance de la calidad de vida en atención médica.Gustavo Páez, María del Pilar López-Gabeiras & Milagros Moreno-D’Anna - 2020 - Persona y Bioética 24 (1):14-27.
    Quality of Life Reach in Medical Care Alcance da qualidade de vida no atendimento médico The term quality of life has increasingly widespread use in biomedical practice, especially in end-of-life situations. Experience shows that the expression is often used with very different —and sometimes conflicting— scopes. The present article presents the results of a literature review that show diverse positions, while delimitating the subject. The analysis compares the terms “quality of life,” “human dignity,” and “value of human life.” Para citar (...)
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  18.  39
    Project DECIDE, part 1: increasing the amount of valid advance directives in people with Alzheimer’s disease by offering advance care planning—a prospective double-arm intervention study.Stefanie Baisch, Christina Abele, Anna Theile-Schürholz, Irene Schmidtmann, Frank Oswald, Tarik Karakaya, Tanja Müller, Janina Florack, Daniel Garmann, Jonas Karneboge, Gregor Lindl, Nathalie Pfeiffer, Aoife Poth, Bogdan Alin Caba, Martin Grond, Ingmar Hornke, David Prvulovic, Andreas Reif, Heiko Ullrich & Julia Haberstroh - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundEverybody has the right to decide whether to receive specific medical treatment or not and to provide their free, prior and informed consent to do so. As dementia progresses, people with Alzheimer’s dementia (PwAD) can lose their capacity to provide informed consent to complex medical treatment. When the capacity to consent is lost, the autonomy of the affected person can only be guaranteed when an interpretable and valid advance directive exists. Advance directives are not yet common in Germany, and their (...)
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  19.  13
    Evaluation of a Novel Psychological Intervention Tailored for Patients With Early Cognitive Impairment (PIPCI): Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial.Urban Ekman, Mike K. Kemani, John Wallert, Rikard K. Wicksell, Linda Holmström, Tiia Ngandu, Anna Rennie, Ulrika Akenine, Eric Westman & Miia Kivipelto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundIndividuals with early phase cognitive impairment are frequently affected by existential distress, social avoidance and associated health issues. The demand for efficient psychological support is crucial from both an individual and a societal perspective. We have developed a novel psychological intervention manual for providing a non-medical path to enhanced psychological health in the cognitively impaired population. The current article provides specific information on the randomized controlled trial -design and methods. The main hypothesis is that participants receiving PIPCI will increase their (...)
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  20. OBCS: The Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics.Jie Zheng, Marcelline R. Harris, Anna Maria Masci, Yu Lin, Alfred Hero, Barry Smith & Yongqun He - 2014 - Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Biomedical Ontology 1327:65.
    Statistics play a critical role in biological and clinical research. To promote logically consistent representation and classification of statistical entities, we have developed the Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics (OBCS). OBCS extends the Ontology of Biomedical Investigations (OBI), an OBO Foundry ontology supported by some 20 communities. Currently, OBCS contains 686 terms, including 381 classes imported from OBI and 147 classes specific to OBCS. The goal of this paper is to present OBCS for community critique and to describe a (...)
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  21.  37
    Alessandro Palazzo and Anna Rodolfi, eds., Prophecy and Prophets in the Middle Ages. (Micrologus Library 103.) Florence: SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2020. Pp. xiv, 298. €54. ISBN: 978-8-8929-0041-7. Table of contents available online at [REVIEW]Brian FitzGerald - 2022 - Speculum 97 (4):1242-1243.
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  22. Kamtekar Virtue and Happiness. Essays in Honour of Julia Annas. Pp. x + 351. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Paper, £22.50 . ISBN: 978-0-19-964605-0. [REVIEW]Vanessa de Harven - 2014 - The Classical Review 64 (1):71-73.
    Contains essays on topics in moral philosophy from Plato, Aristotle, Stoicism and Plotinus. See the review at NDPR for detailed descriptions
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    Hombre y educación.Anna Pagés Santacana & Wolfgang Brezinka (eds.) - 1989 - Barcelona: PPU.
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  24. Feminist activism and presidential politics-Theorizing the costs of'insider strategy'.Anna Marie Smith - 1997 - Radical Philosophy 83:25-35.
  25.  97
    Intersectionality: Origins, Contestations, Horizons.Anna Carastathis - 2016 - Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press.
    This book intervenes in the field of intersectionality studies: the integrative examination of the effects of racial, gendered, and class power on people’s lives. While “intersectionality” circulates as a buzzword, Anna Carastathis joins other critical voices to urge a more careful reading. Challenging the narratives of arrival that surround it, Carastathis argues that intersectionality is a horizon, illuminating ways of thinking that have yet to be realized; consequently, calls to “go beyond” intersectionality are premature. A provisional interpretation of intersectionality (...)
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    Ethics and Divinity: Analyzing Moral Philosophy Through the Lens of Religious Traditions in the European Context.Anna Schäfer - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (4):35-51.
    The questions "What is the purpose of religious ethics?" and "What is the rationale behind the field?" are addressed in this research study. The aim of research is determining the ethics and divinity the research study also explain the moral philosophy through the lens of religious traditions in the European context. It first illustrates how Christian ethicists have provided justifications for conducting research in the area to pinpoint an Anti-Reductive Paradigm that an Egalitarian Imperative informs. The work in the sector (...)
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    Expanding Responsibility for the Just War: A Feminist Critique. By Rosemary Kellison.Anna Floerke Scheid - 2020 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 40 (1):187-188.
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    On the Subject in Linguistics.Anna Strelis - 2010 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 31 (1):61-89.
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    Introduction.Anna Stubblefield - 2018 - In Ethics Along the Color Line. Cornell University Press. pp. 1-20.
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    References.Anna Stubblefield - 2018 - In Ethics Along the Color Line. Cornell University Press. pp. 179-186.
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    Opresja, parytet – problemy feministyczne (Rosemarie Putnam Tong, Myśl feministyczna. Wprowadzenie; Sylviane Agacinski, Polityka płci).Anna Szymańska - 2003 - Etyka 36:282-289.
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    Information, Kommunikation und Wissen: Die Konsequenzen alternativer Kommunikationsperspektiven für die empirische Organisationsforschung.Anna Maria Theis - 1991 - Communications 16 (1):49-62.
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  33. The transcendental object and the “problem of affection”. Remarks on some difficulties of Kant's theory of empirical cognition.Anna Tomaszewska - 2007 - Diametros 11:61-82.
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    Herrnhut - the model settlement for the Unity of Brethren.Anna Huminiak - 2005 - In Udo Sträter, Interdisziplinäre Pietismusforschungen: Beiträge Zum Ersten Internationalen Kongress Für Pietismusforschung 2001. De Gruyter. pp. 419-428.
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    Une posture de déresponsabilisation énonciative. L’ethos du Dr. Cottard 1.Anna Jaubert - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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    Der Parteienstaat: zum Staatsverständnis von Gerhard Leibholz.Anna-Bettina Kaiser (ed.) - 2013 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Ruso en el habla de los alemanes del Volga en Argentina.Anna Ladilova - 2019 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 29 (1):109-121.
    The present article looks at the lexical elements from Russia in the speech of the Volga Germans in Argentina. For this data recollected during the field study conducted in the context of the PhD of the author is analyzed. After a brief theoretical introduction into language contact studies, the article will give an overview of the sociohistorical context of the group in question. Then the Slavisms found in the study will be analyzed in regards to their semantics and their phonetical (...)
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    The Essence of Life in Context of Biological Information.Anna Latawiec - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 44:45-51.
    The main purpose of the paper is to justify the thesis that the presence of biological information is conditional for existence and persistence of life. We will begin with the notion of biological information. In this proposition information is identified with impact, and it is shown the dependence of its location and functioning on the level of organization of animate matter. In accordance with a suggestion of Thomas Aquinas, it seems that precisely information is the reason for the appearance of (...)
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  39. Are symbols still the carriers of sense?Anna Przeclawska - 1994 - Paideia 17:103.
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    Cycles in Nielsen's Graphs.Anna Bien - 2010 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 39 (1/2):57-64.
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    Intuicje modalne.Anna Brożek & Jacek J. Jadacki - 2008 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 56 (1):39-59.
    The authors proposes a philosophical hinterland of nomological type for various conceptions of alethic modalities. Differences among these conceptions are explained by the fact, that moda­lizators can be relativized to various types of laws. Thus one can speak respectively about logic and definitional, ontical and physical, technical and dispositional, psychological and methodo­logical, and finally deontic modalities. The authors shows that in their conceptual appa­ratus modal logics find intuitive interpretation more clear and ontologically more cautious than the semantics of possible worlds (...)
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  42.  18
    Rekonstrukcja pojęć w Szkole Lwowsko-Warszawskiej. Teoria i praktyka.Anna Brożek - 2022 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 70 (2):155-179.
    Pojęcia były zawsze jednym z najważniejszych obiektów badań filozoficznych. Szczególnie duży wkład do teorii analizy pojęć wnieśli przedstawiciele polskiej gałęzi XX-wiecznej filozofii analitycznej, czyli Szkoły Lwowsko-Warszawskiej. Badaniom filozoficznym w tej szkole przyświecał postulat jasności myślenia i mowy. Analiza i doskonalenie pojęć oraz języka filozoficznego jako ich nośnika były naturalnym wyrazem programu metodologicznego, jaki formacji tej nadał jej założyciel, Kazimierz Twardowski. W artykule przedstawiona jest procedura rekonstrukcji pojęć, stosowana powszechnie w szkole Twardowskiego. Okazuje się, że pomimo głębokich niekiedy różnic między poszczególnymi (...)
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  43.  13
    People, Planet, Power: Toward a New Social Settlement.Anna Coote - 2015 - International Journal of Social Quality 5 (1):8-34.
    This article presents proposals for a new social settlement – a framework for deciding how people live together and what they expect from government, now and for the future. The proposed settlement has three goals: social justice, environmental sustainability, and a more equal distribution of power. To achieve these goals we have identified a set of objectives too often ignored in mainstream debates: achieving prosperity without depending on economic growth; shifting investment and action upstream to prevent harm rather than coping (...)
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  44.  33
    Formal causation and mental representation : a thomistic proposal.Gabriele De Anna - unknown
    In the past years, the relevance of Thomas Aquinas's theory of cognition for contemporary debates on epistemology has been widely discussed. That theory claims that mind and world are formally identical and that this relationship overcomes various problems associated with scepticism concerning mental representation. The proposal, however, is grounded on the idea that the world can act on the mind through a relation of formal causation. This thesis attempts to develop a Thomistic theory of formal causation which may be suitable (...)
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  45.  8
    Metodologia, teoria della conoscenza, filosofia dei valori: Heinrich Rickert e il suo tempo.Anna Donise, Antonello Giugliano & Edoardo Massimilla (eds.) - 2015 - Napoli: Liguori editore.
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  46. Spór o szaleństwo.Anna Drabarek - 2011 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 47 (190).
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  47. Descriptive ineffability reconsidered.Anna Drożdżowicz - 2016 - Lingua 177:1-16.
    Ordinary competent language speakers experience difficulty in paraphrasing words such as ‘the’, ‘but’ or ‘however’ as compared to words such as ‘chair’ or ‘run’. The difficulty experienced in the first case is sometimes called descriptive ineffability. In recent debates about meaning types in pragmatics and philosophy of language, descriptive ineffability has been used as a test for the presence of expressive (as opposed to descriptive) meaning, or procedural (as opposed to conceptual) meaning. However, the notion of descriptive ineffability is controversial (...)
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    Cybernetic Bacteria 2.0: Investigating the sublime in bacterial and digital communication.Anna Dumitriu - 2013 - Technoetic Arts 11 (1):27-46.
    Cybernetic Bacteria is an ongoing transdisciplinary investigation that brings together art, philosophy, microbiology and digital technology to examine the relationship of the emerging science of bacterial communication to our own digital communications networks, looking in particular at ‘packet data’ and bacterial quorum sensing. The project seeks to compare philosophical notions of the sublime with a kind of bacterial sublime, demonstrating the greater complexity of the interactions taking place at a microscopic level, when compared to human communication technologies such as the (...)
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  49. Lekcja etyki: czy przyszłość zależy ode mnie.Anna Dworczyk - 1994 - Etyka 27.
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  50. Abuelos cuidadores y educadores: abuelos, cuidados y educación por generación interpuesta.Anna Freixas Farré - 2005 - Critica 55 (928):44-48.
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